
Posted on: 3/12/2020
by: JASTA 11
More Pettiness from the Evil Empire
It appears that the frog has a 'fix' in to prevent users from displaying stats banners from other caching sites on their profile page.
On ours, the TC banner appears, but has none of the stats. The OCNA banner won't display at all:
I looked around at other profiles and it's the same thing.
They must feel threatened by this...
Comments [6]
Oops, my previous posting intents fell afoul of the formatting wizard here, so I'll try again...
Yeah, it's easy to feel they're targeting us, but in fact we're just a byproduct of their hamhanded way of responding to the nanny government decrees from California and the EEC regarding privacy. Their stated intent was to strip third part cookies from externally hosted images, and their methodology was to route said images through a proxy server. Well, the way they munged things up broke a lot of stuff. I was able to salvage most of my puzzles, but one had to be archived. I got off lucky, a lot of COs lost a lot more. Anyway... too long winded, but here's how to fix your issue...
Find in your profile code this (it's all one line, ignore breaks):
[img src=https://play.terracaching.com/Handlers/StatsBannerHandler.ashx?unique=635815433349940000&userid=13343]
and replace it with this (same caveat):
[div style="width:350px;height:90px;background:url(https://play.terracaching.com/Handlers/StatsBannerHandler.ashx?unique=635815433349940000&userid=13343);"][/div]If you want it centered, use this instead:
[div style="width:350px;height:90px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;background:url(https://play.terracaching.com/Handlers/StatsBannerHandler.ashx?unique=635815433349940000&userid=13343);"][/div]
Please note that in these two lines of code, you need to replace all square brackets (both leading and trailing) with the corresponding angle brackets. If I include them here you get the image, not the code.
Hope this helps.10 Points1
Thanks skramble. I'll give that a shot.
Clinging to my conspiracy theory: my profile page also has an AtlasQuest banner that was unaffected.
Hmmm 🤔...
0 Points0
Well, I certainly don't want to be branded an apologist for the Evil Empire, but this is just a result of different resources. The AtlasQuest banner is using a PHP page that can interpret the hex encoding, while TC's ASHX handler can't.
I think the whole Frogland furore can be explained by a quote from the ever-prescient Arthur C. Clarke: "Never attribute to malevolence what is merely due to incompetence".
0 Points0
Slightly related so why not? I too display my stats banners from the various "location-based games" on my GC and Warking profile pages. Each stats banner image was hyperlinked to that specific site (eg. to TC, OCNA, AQ) Last summer I noticed the link had all been changed - they all pointed to GC.com. I changed them back (on waymarking.com) and so far they are still the way I want them. On GC I just added a little note to my profile page:
July 2019: What a hoot! It appears Groundspeak found it "necessary" to silently replace all the hyperlinks in my "profile widget" (both on geocaching.com and on waymarking.com) to instead point back to their main commercial site (geocaching.com) instead of linking to my profiles on the other sites that can also be enjoyed ALONGSIDE with GS sites. Oh well, if you want to know more you can always search online
0 Points0
I don't really understand all the technical stuff posted above but when I logged on the GC site I noticed you can now do a Cover Photo for your profile to make it look prettier!..... So I did! :)
GCprofile.png20 Points2