

Posted on: 1/17/2019

by: 2oldfarts

My Terracaching partner, husband and best friend has died.

Just to let everyone know, unk1 -- John Bloomfield, died on Jan. 15 2019. 

I am going to move down to Tucson, AZ to be with my Daughter and Son-in-law and grandkids on Feb. 2. So I will be busy, but I will be back later to answer any questions that might arise from anyone. 

John loved this game and I will keep his caches active. 


Comments [8]

  • Z_Statman  Cocoa 1/17/2019 

    So sorry to hear Shirley, he was a grand player in this "game" we will all miss

    Take care and be safe


    30 Points  3   
  • JASTA 11  Bridgewater 1/18/2019 

    We're very sorry to hear of your loss, he will be missed.

    30 Points  3   
  • Gackt  Cirencester 1/18/2019 

    Very sorry to hear of your loss.

    I have very much enjoyed searching out some of his locationless caches over the years, in fact found a fun one just today.

    My thoughts go out to you and your family at this time.

    30 Points  3   
  • ag08  Durango 1/22/2019 


    I am so sorry to hear about your loss and so sad to hear this news. He was a valued player of the game and member of the site, he spent countless hours helping us test and giving suggestions for improvements. His contribution has been huge for us and for the TerraCaching community. His caches are wonderful and enjoyed by so many. He will be very missed by us all. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts. 


    30 Points  3   
  • cash108  Durango 1/22/2019 

    Dear Shirley:

    It saddens me deeply to learn of the loss and passing of John, your husband and best friend.  My warmest thoughts for you, and your family at this difficult time. Jack as we all knew him, was one of the first persons that I met (virtual) on the TerraCaching.com web site.  He was and is instrumental in teaching me the ways of this new site way back in 2005.  It was fun to watch and read all of the fireworks that were created by all of the members that were trying to establish a different listing site for geocaches.  He loved TerraCaching.  He had very high expectations and quickly became the Expert of the Locationless caches.  Many members would work to find his caches that created a sense of rewarding accomplishment, and I recently found one of your last ones December 27th, How Many Dishes?

    Jack was also brought into the behind the scenes when we took on the effort of rewriting TerraCaching code.  Jack spent many hours testing and offering suggestions that directly changed the new site launched in 2014. He fought to have more access to new members.   He offered to all the members his ideas about the site, how to make improvements, and how to get more people to join the community.  Jack’s Locationless caches required specific ideas or task and you had to follow these to earn a find.  This just made his caches more fun and more of a challenge to find.  I could write pages about John and Shirley and the contributions that they have made to TerraCaching.

    He could be crusty at times, but I mostly earned those responses, but I always felt that what he really wanted was the very best for TerraCaching and the Community of special cachers.  John pushed to have the site grow and get better.  He always treated me fairly and I will miss seeing new caches, honest feedback and ideas from his creative mind.  I am happy that members will still get the chance to hunt his caches for the love of the hunt.

    30 Points  3   
  • 2oldfarts  Tucson 1/24/2019 

    Thank you all for the kind words and support. It does help....

    I am in the process of moving to Tucson to be with our Daughter and family, so I will be quite busy and healing.... but just for awhile. Then it will be back to caching and rockhounding.


    30 Points  3   
  • Bear and Ragged  Warwickshire 2/2/2019 

    Sad news.

    My condolences, especially as a sponsor to both of you.

    0 Points  0   
  • scottO  Montana City 4/3/2019 

    I am sorry sorry to hear about this. John will be missed!

    0 Points  0