

Posted on: 4/2/2019

by: scottO

St. Baldrick's again?

Hey all, I know that every year I post a few St. Baldrick's caches, but I thought I'd feel it out this year. Is there interest in a 2019 Version? 

Don't get me wrong - we are still participating. I am shaving, and the family is volunteering. 

But I wanted to check with you guys, and see if you were interested. 


Comments [3]

  • cash108  Durango 4/2/2019 

    Hi Scott,

    I am all up about upping the donations again on the Cyber version.  I will add 25 dollars per every person that finds and logs your cache until I spend over 500, heck if you get that many finders I might just keep it going to see if you can break all the records.

    Just saying,


    20 Points  2   
  • scottO  Montana City 4/3/2019 

    Alright, you convinced me! I have submitted the cache!

    0 Points  0   
  • scottO  Montana City 4/11/2019 

    Wow! Again, I am humbled by the response from the Terracaching community, and Cash! I am already close to my fundraising goal.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    10 Points  1