

Posted on: 8/14/2020

by: mtzfamily

Newton's First Law of Motion

"An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."

This game will help you stay in motion!

A non-cacher local guy is the poster child for this law. He made me think of the TC top dogs who are 20+ years older than me and how they keep going. I couldn't keep up with them at the TC 10 year anniversary in 2014 and I probably still can't keep up with them today. The son did his best in 2014 to keep up, but his legs were a lot shorter then! He still did spectacular.

The local celebrity, Mario Locatelli, wishes to climb Devil's Tower in Wyoming in three years.....at age 88! Making him the oldest to summit.  If he's alive, I have no doubt he will accomplish it.


In my cache entry for LCYC I referenced another story that involves Mario. He has also written a book about hiking the Bitterroot Mountains. From his book he started hiking as a little kid in the mountains of Italy because his small stature kept him from being picked for team sports. Then and now he can out hike most people!

A funny story about a hiking kid from the 10 year event I haven't shared with anyone. On the way back down from Berray Mountain, TC79Z, our party split. Some of us (me included) went the same route back to the vehicle while YJ, MountainBlaster and mtzfamily2 traveled a longer and steepr route to be picked up at the bottom. Knowing mtzfamily2's legs would require nearly twice as many steps, I whispered in his ear one of my pearls of woods-wisdom, "remember, if you are in front you set the pace." At which point he blasted out to the front of his longer-legged hiking partners! I'm not sure what all occurred on the trip down, but all 3 of them were at the bottom when I got there!

Keep in motion to the best of your ability...otherwise you become that horizontal log in the woods and just wither away.

Comments [2]

  • mtzfamily  Stevensville 8/14/2020 

     Correction: He is 88 he will make the climb at 91 and 3 months!

    10 Points  1   
  • Z_Statman  Cocoa 8/15/2020 

    Wish him all the best and, of course, a safe return

    I fondly remember the gathering in 2014 to meet TC's originals and enjoy the trek up and the vast view. Here in FL a "mountain" is about 100' above sea level, 4,000 was a grand accomplishment!

    Hope this is the right picture, there were so many climb memories



    10 Points  1