Give the People What You Want: Cache Qualites

A while back after doing a friend's cache that I really enjoyed, I wrote out a narrative description of the cache. It had everything I look for in a cache. Later I turned the narrative into a checklist and then used the checklist as a way to document in a standardized format the Cache Qualities present in cache. I bet if you think about it, you have a similar mental list. By listing those qualities on your cache page you are telling people about the cache and what you like to hunt for and giving a concrete example of what you think makes a "quality cache". You never know, but you might inspire others to do unto you, what you have done unto them...
Here's an example of the Checklist:
Comments [2]
Very interesting list and very similar to the mental gyrations I go through when trying to place a cache. I differ in that I really don't care much for muddy spots. Living where I do in the PNW I would definitely add in the mountains to that list. While water or water views are nice they are not an absolute requirement for me. I really enjoy off trail navigation or ridge running; some might call that bushwhacking but a lot of the ridge lines out here don't really require bushwhacking to navigate.
The longer the walk the better I like it. If it requires an overnight stop to complete the walk even better.
Three guys that put out the type of caches I love to hunt are Yukon Jack, Mountain Blaster, and The Tramp. I always get everything on my list when doing their caches. Two of them are semi retired from cache hiding and I've lost a step or two since Terracaching began. But I'll keep plugging away till I drop.
20 Points2
And as Bon Jovi's song goes "I'll live when I am alive cause I can sleep when I am dead!"
Thanks to one of my sponsors for reminding us that (from Steve Jobs) "The journey is the reward!"
Our altitude here in Florida is high at about 500' so when I had the chance to head out to the TC Anniversary held at Yukon Jack's ranch I jumped on the first available flight. An 8,000-10,000' vertical trek does make one feel accomplishment, and, so does a 2-3 mile hike in a swamp with water or muck knee-deep. The reward is the same.
So, to Terradactyl 's comment, add your own alternative terrains, as most do mentally, to the very descriptive and informative list.
0 Points0